Know your Shape

Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes. That’s part of what makes each of us unique. Whom would want the same as other anyway? So this blog will get you into knowing your shapes and dressing for it. It’s important to know that there isn’t an “average” or “typical” body. Some of us are curvier, some of us have narrower hips or broader shoulders — we’re all a little bit different. Still, most of us can categorize our shape into a few broad categories: “pear” "rectangle" "hourglass" " apple" So, what is your? Mine is Hourglass. It's a key to know your shapes and dress accordingly. Not just to compliment the clothes you wearing but to feel confidence about yourself. I believe that fashion is about feeling great in the looks we love and feeling great in who we are. But, you could say that we follow guidelines, not rules. So I hope this help you learn how to dress your body shape and play up your most favori...