Choice !

The plan is to go shopping after work with my friend for my little niece, best girl friend my crazy fan in the family who turn to 4yrs tomorrow. I have in mind to get her something pink from Hello Kitty store in Aeon. My friend wanted to look for flip flop, why not! I ended up got a pair of Blue flip flop. True is that i don't need flip flop but I can and its Blue...well. I often choose to buy stuff I don't even need. Why,?because I can while in real life you cannot have what you want by paying money . Name it, how many things money can not buy and if it can it doesn't mean you have. Many in life that you can choice which you don't have any option. Other way round you know what option/what out there best for you but you can't choose. Dream is no tax nor chasing your best option to the point you know. That's it.
Colour of choices but no where beat Blue


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